Creative Classes for Kids

East Harbor Montessori is offering new opportunities for fun and learning this fall for children ages 1-7.  The classes will be held for six week sessions beginning in early October. A "Mommy/Daddy and Me" class will be held on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-7:30 at their Port Clinton location beginning October 2. The class will engage 12-24 month olds in messy  sensory play with mom/dad and each other. Beginning October 11, "Art Class for Preschoolers" will be held on Thursdays from 6:30-7:30p. Children will use unique art materials to exercise their creativity with mom or dad close by. Each of these classes are $10/week unless paid in advance at a discounted rate of $50 for the six week session. Availability is limited; advanced registration is recommended.

In addition to the classes, EHM will be holding "Sunday Adventure Play" on the second Sunday of each month. Children ages 3-7 areinvited to drop by from 1-3 pm for creative, imaginative, and physical play using reused, recycled, and natural materials. To register for classes, call 419-734-1764. East Harbor Montessori offers Preschool with Extended Care and is located at 2110 East Harbor Road, eight houses East of Kroger. Their next monthly Open House will be held on Sunday, September 30 from 3-6pm.