Family Fun Fair Activity
On April 28 from 11am to 1pm we will be at the Port Clinton Family Fun Fair held at Port Clinton High School. At our table we will have a few Montessori activities from our classroom to try out and will be giving everyone who stops by our table the activity below made mostly from reused household materials.There are a variety of ways that your child can complete this activity. First, put the balls in a small basket or bowl and set it next to the egg carton like you see above. Next, demonstrate to your child by completing the activity and then returning the balls to their basket or bowl in one of the following ways. If your child is still very young, keep the activity simple by picking up each ball with your fingers and placing them in the same colored area of the egg carton, one by one. For children who are a bit older and have a stronger pincer grasp, you can use tweezers to move the balls. Another variation is to use a small spoon. Whatever method you choose, make sure that you try the activity yourself before demonstrating it to your child to make sure it is not too difficult.
This a pretty simple activity but it may surprise you how much your child enjoys it. Then again, they may not be into it right now, but if you put it on a tray and stick it on a shelf within their reach your child may decide to complete it in their own time. Chances are they will remember your demonstration and you may find them quietly transferring balls sometime soon. There are lots of Montessori activities like this that can be homemade from recycled activities. Just do some internet surfing and you should find loads of creative ideas!